Did wii lose out on better games?

Squall7 said:
Utter crap. I'm sorry, but the "last generation graphics" allowed it to be used by an expanded audience. While you may think it's a flaw, you're completely and utterly wrong. It's a feature. It forces developers to make more interesting games and it allows the price point to be low (at least initially, the Wii is selling like hot-cakes, and so there's no reason for a price drop).
or it was more a fail-safe, so even if the wii didnt do that great theyd still have made a profit, or they just wanted to copy the ds's success and make huge $$. but really, in recent history i cant recall a single game that had such amazing graphics that the developer didnt focus on the game itself that much. all AAA titles i see have great graphics and great gameplay, cant see how they can detach from the other when all you have 2 separate teams working on each..
wand? :shocked:

Do you really feel like Harry Potter when playing with the Wii?
From discussing the WII on another forum, most of the negatives people say for it is:
-Not enough buttons for "complicated" games
-The WIImote is way too slow for FPS games, thus dumbing the game down

I dont agree with these but thats the main reasons why people dont like the WII, oh and the "lack" of technology.

People are also saying the only reason why its selling the most is because of the price and when it was released ie before the PS3

Sickens me lol
Dayoh said:
People are also saying the only reason why its selling the most is because of the price and when it was released ie before the PS3

PS3 was released before the Wii.
Dayoh said:
LOL, so my sonyfanboy mate is wrong, YESS in his face

Just to be specific:
The PS3 was released November 17, 2006, while the Wii was released on November 19, 2006. That's in North America at least.

So they were almost released at the same time.
To me the wii is in a similar situation as the ps2 was at launch. Although not nearly as fortunate.

The wii was released with a roughly game cube like architecture, so as to make coding easier for the console. That way (in theory) developers can pump out high end graphics games faster since they are already familiar with the programming.

The reason i liken the wii to the ps2 is due to the fact that in terms of raw power it is the underdog in the 3-way war. I mean they couldn't have managed to pump out a ps3 quality machine in mass quantities there wasn't enough capital for that. (remember they lost 2 rounds in a row:n64,and 'cube)

So they had to basically take what technology they could afford and tweak it as far as possibly to pull the best they could out of it. (like the ps2 with its emotion engine). The Game Cube boasted a faster processor and crisper visuals, but failed for not supporting dvd technology, instead going with the cheaper mini-discs. (again due to costs)

So instead of having the best looking console on the block, we have the most innovative. The issue lies with the fact that nintendo lost a lot of clout these past few rounds. And most respectable or veteran game studios have shied away from the company because they doubt it's ability to succeed against the other two powerhouse consoles. And their fears are not without merit.

The wii has a lot left to prove before everyone will take it seriously. (hence the "gimmick" remarks by the non-believers.) And nintendo needs to start seriously listening to its American fan base more closely. In japan they're not as heavy into the FPS market as we are. So that may be a reason as to why they have yet to see the necessity for voice chat.

It's great that they finally realize there's an internet out there, and are using it effectively to a fault. (wii shop channel is an amazing achievement considering their last attempts at using the internet.)
And developers are finally getting the online multi player part right. We've got the interactivity down pretty well. Now the last piece of the puzzle is filling the communications gap.

I have a feeling that there will be a headset released eventually, and a firmware update to coincide with it, perhaps allowing voice chat on pre-existing online titles. The catch being only matches played with people on your friends list will enable the use of the headset, so as to belay the fears of parents everywhere: sexual predators lurking online trying to coerce our youth. (I'm being serious. That is one of the main reasons they're against the headset idea, they feel it could potentially compromise the consumer's safety..since most are either children or young adults they feel personally responsible for protecting you from yourself.)

The best thing anyone can do to fix these "shortcomings" with Nintendo, would be to continue to support them, and to try and contact them as much as possible. If enough small voices are heard there will be changes made.
I am primarily a PC gamer and I can assure you "Teh uber l33t graphics" don't mean much. I know I am stepping out of bounds of the console market, but take a look at the (old) Fallout franchise (no I am not including Tatics/the other that I shall not name.) It has relatively bad graphics...horrible in todays terms, but easily stomps most RPG's in terms of game play. They didn't need graphics to stick out to gamers they just needed the kind of game developing that makes you crave more.

With the WiiMote it is possible to replicate that kind of gaming without "Shiny lights." Even Pac-Man is still played and I bet you more people have played and liked the original Pac-Man than "Pac-Man World 3" for Xbox, Playstation2, GC, and every other console. Although even with that said don't just make a crappy graphics with poor quality of using the motion....thats what makes the game bad.

EDIT: I agree strongly with the fact that Nintendo needs to listen to NAmerica market and allow voicechat and easier online settings....thankfully EA took care of MoH:H2 with EANetwork
The idea that Nintendo is too poor to produce a high-end machine is crazy.
Ever heard of the Game Boy?
The lower pricetag afforded by an outdated engine is exactly why I bought it though.
But metroid prime 3 is an fps and it's great. Call of duty 3 was pretty good but could have been better.