Dont Pirate, Dont Mod, Illegal Piracy Info!

Darkonix said:
I know in Europe they are starting to Brick Wii's
Whats brick you mean?
O here comes little timmy with a nice new mod to install in his wii..
The wii is built in with a device to sence the mod and Automaticlly turns off FOR GOOD. Good bye wii. Only newer models have that. Dont screw around with mods..or your going to end up like little Timmy. =/
i dont know where you heard that but that is 100% wrong (not the bricking part, just how it happens). the wiis get bricked when a game from a diffrent region trys to update a diffrent region system (like a PAL game updating an NTSC game or vice versa). i feel sorry for the people that have bricked wiis that actually bought the import but i dont for the people who downloaded the game
Mitch2025 said:
i dont know where you heard that but that is 100% wrong (not the bricking part, just how it happens). the wiis get bricked when a game from a diffrent region trys to update a diffrent region system (like a PAL game updating an NTSC game or vice versa). i feel sorry for the people that have bricked wiis that actually bought the import but i dont for the people who downloaded the game

from my knowledge, your correct also. Not sure if I maybe read it wrong but yea the games is what triggers the bricking. Where did I read about the device... hmm.. Also, Not sure how enforced it is, or if they really are doing it that much because I live in US. so its kinda hard for me to keep up the news. lol I still feel bad for little timmy. I know im never going to have that trouble. No mods for me.
Brawny said:
Ha ha, you don't think it takes money to develop photoshop and vista? Now, I agree they get overpaid, but getting it for free?

You don't (I hope) drive away after filling up your car with gas. And oil companies are posting record profits. Why would you do that to companies? I hope you all are studying to go be programmers or music artists or something. That way you'll be screwed.

@ conan, if that story isn't a load of bullcrap, credz to you.

correct me if im wrong but didnt bill gates steal ideas from apple? hmm i guess that was ok because well technically it wasnt illegal? where do you draw the line there? if i download a TV show that is broadcasted thru the air for free(nbc,abc,fox) is that stealing?

as far as the oil prices, shrubs fault.
All Illegal Activity Is Necessary..... For Me.

I don't mod my consoles (not since the spring device on the PS1 because that was easy as pie)

But I do commend all illegal activity that reminds these HUGE corporate companies to remember that they cannot rip us off.

If you take the example of UK television, look how many stations are now creating their own ON DEMAND websites, they have realised that people just download or even stream these programmes in their own time, So now these companies want a slice of their own action, but realise they cannot charge for it, because people like me will just use Peekvid or something similar.

No one FORCES you to mod your machine and unless you know japanese, the benefits aren't all that great. All those games on your Xbox? How many did you really actually play.

In closing,the fact that there are criminals afoot, keeps it affordable for the 100% legal taxpaying person like myself.
The wiis the only current (ie new)one that dosent let you play imports