DS vs. PSP


Make Love Not War
Jan 13, 2007
Okay, this how the game works.
Vote for the handheld that you like better- Ds or psp
First one to 75 wins
You also have to put how many votes each system has
I'll start:thumbsup:

Ds-1 :D
It depends on if your talking just specifically for gaming or including the other features. Because I use my PSP more than my DS mainly for the web browser. I hardly ever play games on my PSP though and the only game I have for it is GTA. But I have five or six fun games for my DS which I play when on road trips.
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paintba||er said:
It depends on if your talking just specifically for gaming or including the other features. Because I use my PSP more than my DS mainly for the web browser. I hardly ever play games on my PSP though and the only game I have for it is GTA. But I have five or six fun games for my DS which I play when on road trips.

On a Wii forum I will bet millions DS wins

OOC: Luigi I was getting pissed at your sig and click the show spoiler thing and I starting say "Meow" in my head and on the last one I was like "AhHH"
hmm tricky one...

my thoughts

pros of DS (lite) - lighter, smaller, no disc loading, exclusive games, touch screen, alarm clock, easy wifi gaming, cheaper

pros of PSP - better graphics, media storage bigger, better sound, out-of-the-box net access and mp3 playback and movie playback, not hack proof

hmmm plus lots of stuff i have forgotten

i'm sorry to say my vote for PSP


DS 3

maybe different age groups will pick different consoles, i also bet the DS wins... i must admit that i use both the same amount