Fire Emblem


Woo! Sig Maker! ^_^
Heya, has anyone else noticed that Nintendo has really underhyped this game. You really don't see them mentioning it anywhere and it doesn't even have a game site, yet Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games does...I just thought it was kind of weird that IGN is advertising the game more than Nintendo themselves.
The main reason they are not really showing it off I think is because its not made by Nintendo directly. They put the focus on their games.

I agree though, this game looks great and its a shame its not out there more.
Its a must have in my books.
Torchik said:
Heya, has anyone else noticed that Nintendo has really underhyped this game. You really don't see them mentioning it anywhere and it doesn't even have a game site, yet Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games does...I just thought it was kind of weird that IGN is advertising the game more than Nintendo themselves.

an u help me idk hw to play import wii games on my wii and the freeloader is not out but i want to play it and there is a chea to play gc games
Stop ruining the thread with spam, send him a private message hyuuganeji to talk to him.

Torchik said:
Heya, has anyone else noticed that Nintendo has really underhyped this game. You really don't see them mentioning it anywhere and it doesn't even have a game site, yet Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games does...I just thought it was kind of weird that IGN is advertising the game more than Nintendo themselves.
yes i do hav an american wii
CantGetAWii said:
The main reason they are not really showing it off I think is because its not made by Nintendo directly. They put the focus on their games.

I agree though, this game looks great and its a shame its not out there more.
Its a must have in my books.

It could also be because Fire Emblem has been around for so long, it really doesn't need to be hyped. Everyone who is a fan on the series is more than likely going to buy it, even if it's hyped or not.
I said "Also" in the sense that i was adding on.

Of course they'll Hype Galaxy because it's a game they made. Even though they really don't need to because there's already such a big fan base behind mario.

They would do the exact same for Zelda. They could release a CD with the Link farting into a Tuba, and people would still buy it. seeing if Nintendo would hype that is another story..but you catch my drift?

For me, All nintendo could have done with Smash is give me a release date, and i would get it hands down. I love the series and i will continue to buy it up until the point they stop making it (or if more bad characters like pichu are added again). No hype necessary for me.
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