gamecube freeloader


WiiChat Member
Jul 14, 2011
i tryed using the gamecube freeloader on the wii and everytime i use it there is always an error saying that i have to read the wii manual to try and fix the problem. so can any1 help me please
Google says Ninty has blocked the ol' Freeloaders with firmware updates. From what I can gather that means ya won't be usin' that there 'Cube Freeloader, sorry t' say.
The latest version of Freeloader works fine on a Wii with the latest system upgrade (at least - it does for me!!)

The disc cover will state that it "works with Wii".

I've been playing my JPN version of Castle Shikigami 2 and US version of Namco Museum on my PAL Wii just fine with this.