Get your GE stats done here!

It's not 100% legit because we forgot to factor draws in. Would not change it that much though (maybe a few DP's). So it's close enough.
I'll add mine in a couple of days, only how do you know total amount of games?
The game doesn't keep track of draws
Most players don't get many draws. But because you do GE mode you will have a lot of draws. So I might need to think of another way of working out total games.
I feel sutpid now lol, I've just thought of a way to work out games played and it factors draws in. And it took a day :(

Epsilon, we need to talk in [+] chat. This will take some time :)
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comeon guys, it's really easy.
At the very least, give us something to work with.
Looks like a good idea to me. Mr.S 56 XP 1776380 Wins 1153 Losses 3232 TGP 4385 Kills 77928 Deaths 57856 Time 25d 04h 40m GGs Ted Randolph:wink: