GH for Wii Question . .


-- mii ♥ wii --
Nov 4, 2007
New Brunswick, Canada
Wii Online Code
Will you ever be able to buy the previous two games for the Wii. GH I & II ? Or be able to download them somehow.. cause that would be pretty wicked.
i doubt they'll release them as titles, but it's possible that gh 1 and 2 songs may become available as dlc sometime early next year.
Not at the moment.

Ports are a no brainer for quick cash. Downloads are not viable as we don't have external HDD's yet.
i'm guessing nintendo's found some kind of solution to the storage issue then, seeing as they've already confirmed the release of dlc early next year. i guess those usb ports won't be for nothing after all!
there's been a ton of activision emails floating around forums as well as fan sites saying

“Downloadable content for the Wii is something we are working very hard on getting in place for the new year. There is no definite timetable in place but we are hoping it will be soon.”