Help Me!!! Please

Ok, to get past the level, do these steps in order:
1. Post in the correct Forum or Sub-Forum
2. Explain more of what you are asking
3. Welcome to wiichat


P.S - After the steps, you will face the boss, he is mighty evil.
Wiired said:
What the dickens are you talking about?
im guessing hes talking about super mario whatever with the 3D thingy..hmm...whats it called...idk
at any rate, you should go to that forum..
you need 3 tablets. one is in a stone fire, next is on a 3D statue that you have to run around and the third is at the bottem of the lake:lol: go into the volcano for the order
I smoked the game in 3 days. I need more info from you (i.e. describe the situation) e-mail me! Its on my profile!:crazy:
please som1 im terrible and rele need help it said to go on the blue platfrm and look and stare at the signing post but nothin happened