Help with keeping neighbors from using my internet connection

yup everyone basically said that you need something that is called a "WEP" lock. basically it prohibits "freeloaders" from using your internet connection of which you pay for. certain places MAY offer the internet for free such as starbucks wifi or other "cafe" such places. In the mean time, if you wish to get the neighbor off, consult your instruction manual and software disk and see if its possible to put a lock on it. mine has a 24 character lock on it so no one can use it OR guess it (its a random number that generates or it could be custome made as well since i did that with my linksys)

Linksys routers are the best (atleast through my personal experience) for locking routers. certain models have a one touch lock system on the router.

its fairly simple to set up if you can do it. otherwise, youre forever going to have moochers