Hi all.


WiiChat Member
Nov 20, 2009
Canton, OH
Well about a week ago, I finally bought a Wii. It was the only one of the three major systems I did not yet own. Along with my system, I purchased Metroid Prime 3, Mario Kart, A Boy and His Blob, Punch-Out and New Super Mario Bros.

As far as mysefl, I am 27 and a gamer since the days of Atari 2600, when I was too young to know what the heck I was doing. As my user name indicates, I am a heavy metal fan. Love it. To death. Can't get enough of it. I'm also a sports nut from the Northeast Ohio area, so it's Cleveland all the way (though the Cavaliers are our only real source of excitement right now.). I read a lot of classic literature and philosophy, as well as books about history.
Another Browns fan I'm hoping!? Need all the support we can get in that area. I'm from the NY area myself, but the Browns are my team for life.

And a metal buff? Good stuff.

Besides all that, welcome to the forums. Hope you enjoy your Wii.