How does Wii protect itself from viruses/intrusions from the internet?


WiiChat Member
Nov 20, 2006
How does Wii protect itself from viruses/intrusions
from the internet?

I may be a little paranoid, but I'm not connecting
the Wii to the internet, until I know the answer to
the above question... :)
That's a pretty good question. I guess that the Wii just assumes that you'll use your actual computer to look at porn instead of the Wii internet.
you do realise that for a Wii to get a virus someone would actually have to figure out it's OS and actually make one. Nobody would do that. That's why for example, Macs don't get viruses, because they are not the leading market so nobody makes them.
As far as I can tell, the Wii won't accept incoming connections from other computers. It initiates all communications itself. A port scan of my Wii turned up no open ports.'s pretty well locked down. The system also seems to make pretty frequent connections to Nintendo's servers to check for updates, messages, friend requests, etc.
Macs have a virus
But it deepends upon where the hackers/arseheads can be arsed to make one

Some for Pcs are made for Microsoft to sell a anti virus programs