How To Pay That Freakin Bird

OMG ME TOO!!!! and then i eventually stole the stuff and it just chases me away all the time now. well it did. i already beat the game
There is like a bucket thing you put the money into, I think...
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lol, but i cant get any more stuff from that freakin bird ... hmm wat a bummer

he doesnt learn how to forgive and forget...

birds these days...

greedy basterds
There is a box there, you put the money in. But you don't need to put the right amounts in. You can put 1 Ruppee in it, the bird will call you cheap, but nonetheless he won't attack you next time you go there. I think you just get called cheap on your return too.

Anyway, I usually just steal and run away. But if you ever need to go back, he can't peck through the shield! I find the bird, Trill (I think) very amusing. If I am feeling generous he gets the 1 ruppee.
first i stole, and RAN...

but it keeps pecking me when i return...

so, i sneaked inside by moving slowly... then dropping a couple of rupees (need not be the full amount) - it called me "cheap" - but at least it didnt kill me...

now, we are in good terms... :)
At least being called cheap is better then it trying to kill you! :yesnod:
lol, you can drop in like, 1 rubee every time, and he'll let you go :lol: