Imagrants GIVEN Wiis to play before bein deported


An ancient one, banner of over a thousand acunts
Staff member
May 30, 2006
Super Mancyland
Wii Online Code
****IN DISSGRASE (cant be arsed to spell check)
This country (UK) is becomein a joke
OUR (Not mine thanks to said imagants im jobless) Tax money is goin to them in the way of games TVs and money

Foreign criminals are being given Nintendo Wiis and a plasma television to while away the time before their deportation, it has been claimed.
Don't spit or touch, migrants to be told
The detainees are being held at Colnbrook Immigration Removal Centre in Berkshire after serving time for offences including rape and murder.
But as they wait to be sent back to their homeland they enjoy computer games, five-aside football with cash prizes and televisions in every cell.
They can also buy goods at a store inside the facility and have them delivered to their cells by staff. A source at the centre claimed: "There are plasma TVs in some cells and 48in ones in the communal areas.
"Some detainees have Nintendo Wiis. If the consoles go wrong staff are sent to the nearest Argos to pick up a replacement.
"The music room has guitars and a drum kit. And there are £5 prizes for the winners of five-a-side tournaments."
The insider said 200 criminals had signed a letter demanding an improved satellite television service for the Africa Cup of Nations, which was granted within hours.
"Many law-abiding people wouldn’t be able to afford the same perks," the source told the Sun.
Mark Wallace, of the Taxpayers’ Alliance, said: "It’s a disgrace. Taxpayers are funding a lavish lifestyle for people who should not even be in this country."
Damian Green, the shadow immigration minister, said: "Detention centres should be civilised and humane, but not luxurious."
The centre was opened by Tony Blair in 2004 and can hold 383 inmates.
Liam Byrne, the Immigration Minister, said: "We won’t hesitate to detain people for brief periods of time before they fly home. I have visited lots of detention centres; luxurious they are not. We are always under pressure from HM Government inspectors to provide improved constructive activities."
A Home Office spokesman said there were only small televisions in each cell and one plasma screen in the communal area.

Bloody goverment
So if I'm ever arrested in the US, is there any way I can go to jail in the UK? :ihih:
Lol. Daily Telegraph? Don't believe everything you hear in tabloid sensationalist papers.

Sounds like they're fitting the centres with the stuff, not giving it to them and sending them on their way.

By the way, whose fault is it if immigrants are employed in the UK? Is it their fault, simply because they're willing to work in harsher conditions, or is it the employers fault for hiring people for a substandard wage and very few benefits. Personally, I'd be more concerned with all the money going to big supermarkets like Tescos that actually vacuum money from areas and it goes to greedy shareholders of the companies (and CEO's and such, that get paid vast amounts of money).

Seriously, it's all well and good blaming "foreigners", but to be honest, more often than not, most of our social problems are a result from the system itself, which is often broken in the favour of politicians and corporations. Instead of standing up to them, we always seem to be diverted to blaming a cause that is different.

Fact of the matter is, is that the more people there are in our country, the more people have to be served, and the more jobs there should be. It's the reason why we don't just have one bin man collection the entire nations rubbish.

Besides, we don't like to admit it, but the standard of living in the UK, much like other G8 countries, is actually significantly higher than many other "developing" countries. Since resources are finite, it's only fair that our living conditions dip, so that other countries' conditions are improved.
Great article Prinny, funny government you guys have. Next time please use spell check or just don't try >_< your spelling is atrocious.
one qeustion how much has crime rate gone up in the UK?
transform8 said:
one qeustion how much has crime rate gone up in the UK?
Why should that matter? It's not like you can prove a direct correlation.

Besides, there's a difference between breaking the law (like driving whilst using a mobile phone, breaking copyright protection on DVD's to burn them to your computer or by leeching off someone's unfirewalled wifi connection) and actually being put away for it. Also bearing in mind that not all crime is reported to the police, and therefore getting actual figures could be impossible to get hold of.

Also remembering the cause and effect, whereby the next effect was created by the last effect (for example, if someone is angry at you, you could shout back at them. Shouting back at them could make them burst into tears). In essence, things happen like a chain reaction. Because of this, putting blame firmly on a single cause is neither productive nor a correct assumption.
Squal, you should also note that you don't generally get deported for those crimes ;)

Can anyone confirm leeching connections is a crime? :lol: I'm not sure Nintendo would of made their console able to find wireless open connections if it were illegal.
261311 said:
Can anyone confirm leeching connections is a crime? :lol: I'm not sure Nintendo would of made their console able to find wireless open connections if it were illegal.
Well, I don't think they'll arrest you unless you break the law somehow:

First few lines:

A man has been arrested in London on suspicion of using someone else's wireless broadband internet connection without permission. The man was questioned by police as he sat on the wall outside a house in Chiswick using a laptop computer.

Piggybacking on someone else's wireless internet connection can be an offence under the Communications Act.
It's already been said in this thread, but I have to agree with it. Blaming the illegal immigrants is not where the fault really lies, it's with these companies who hire them. We have the same problem in the US too. Yes, the immigrants are not suppose to be here, and they should be deported, but what about those companies who hired them in the first place? Why did they not just provide a job that regular, legal citizens could hold? Because the pay was too low? The conditions were too poor? Then improve them! If we're going to take action against these illegal immigrants, then we should also be taking action against these companies.
Apocalypse said:
It's already been said in this thread, but I have to agree with it. Blaming the illegal immigrants is not where the fault really lies, it's with these companies who hire them. We have the same problem in the US too. Yes, the immigrants are not suppose to be here, and they should be deported, but what about those companies who hired them in the first place? Why did they not just provide a job that regular, legal citizens could hold? Because the pay was too low? The conditions were too poor? Then improve them! If we're going to take action against these illegal immigrants, then we should also be taking action against these companies.

Personally, I'd love to see Mexicans at the boarder, patrolling to make sure no Americans get into their country. But that's for another topic.

Besides, no offense to DarkPrinny, but it may help your cause to actually prove that "native" British people actually speak and write English correctly. Certainly a double standard when people also complain about "foreigners" not being able to speak English to a good enough quality.
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Squall7 said:
Besides, no offense to DarkPrinny, but it may help your cause to actually prove that "native" British people actually speak and write English correctly. Certainly a double standard when people also complain about "foreigners" not being able to speak English to a good enough quality.
My exscuse of not usein proper English is the I went to a school where the smartest kid could read a book without pics
Darkprinny said:
My exscuse of not usein proper English is the I went to a school where the smartest kid could read a book without pics
Get Mozilla Firefox, it comes with a spell-checker, that is, if you actually care. Doesn't bother me though so do as you like :p