Is Lightfoot worth it?


Meth Lepard GEFC 1346 297
Feb 25, 2011
Sayre, PA
Wii Online Code
I will be lvl 36 in a few minutes. Just wondering if the Light foot gadget is worth trading more health or more importantly heavy hitter? I know It would help straffing and not getting killed. What do you think. Another thing, Someone told me the thermal scope is cool on the terra, for smoke granades and stuff like that. In the past, when I picked up a gun with it on, it seemed like you cant tell the difference between teammates and enemies.
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Yes the lightfoot is worth it. Since I got it I don't play with out it. Some times it can seem like not much of a difference (I think based on the connection), but if you play with it for a while then go try and play with out it you will notice (I tried). I figure losing the extra health is definitely worth it. You can run to cover faster if needed, and reload. Also it gets you into battles faster. The split second that you arrive in an area can be the difference in having an advantageous position or not. You can however get there to soon if you know what I mean. More speed around the maps means more chances to get kills. If some one is behind you shooting in to your back you're most likely gonna die with or with out extra health.

From levels 38-40 all I used was the thermal on the terra. Once you get the hang of it you can definitely read the names above your team. Most importantly shoot everyone with out a name above them.
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Light Foot:

Yes, use it. It's the best choice for gadget 2 in my opinion. You might want to use HH on weaker guns, though.

Thermal Terralite:

No; this is just a gimmick. Good players aren't going to be stupid enough to let you take advantage of them in the smoke; bad players are easy to kill regardless. Using this will also get you attached to ADS, which will hinder your abilities later on (The Strata is only used at its full potential if you're hipfiring with it).
Light Foot:

Yes, use it. It's the best choice for gadget 2 in my opinion. You might want to use HH on weaker guns, though.

Thermal Terralite:

No; this is just a gimmick.
Good players aren't going to be stupid enough to let you take advantage of them in the smoke; bad players are easy to kill regardless. Using this will also get you attached to ADS, which will hinder your abilities later on (The Strata is only used at its full potential if you're hipfiring with it).

Here is my thing. I liked thermal terra because I am a run around and kill kinda guy. I never stay still or snipe. I usually get most hip fire eliminations and marathon man. For someone who plays this style having the thermal, lets say in the jungle, is great for sniper location. Snipers are easy to take down with the thermal even for someone like me running constantly because they are stationary. Of course once I got the strata its hip fire heaven. Laser, silenced, or a-cog, but i did a lot of damage with the terra w/ thermal when it was optimal. I guess it all depends on your style of play.
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I just leveled up to 37 and I am waiting patiently for the thermal scope, it's going to take awhile...... Lightfoot, I don't use it. If you're good enough you don't need it. Like multitask I think it's just one of those pointless gadgets. I will use the hell out of the thermal on jungle, docks, memorial and station.
I just leveled up to 37 and I am waiting patiently for the thermal scope, it's going to take awhile...... Lightfoot, I don't use it. If you're good enough you don't need it. Like multitask I think it's just one of those pointless gadgets. I will use the hell out of the thermal on jungle, docks, memorial and station.

This is all personal preference. I don't use it to make me better. I use lightfoot because the game was too slow with out it. I felt like I was running with weights on. If the overall game speed was faster then yes lightfoot would be unnecessary. I like to play games as fast as possible (again personal preference). Now the concept of lightfoot is something I disagree with in general, but that wasn't the topic of the thread. I wish there was no speed enhancement necessary. If this game had the strafe system like the original Goldeneye then there would be no need for this. I agree multitask is useless.
Yeah, man, It's totally woth it. Use it instead of Heavy Hitter. And Distraction is way better than any mines, and definately use the Minesweeper instead of BioBooster or LAOD....
Sorry, but from a Lvl 53's point of view(of which I've sacrificed countless rounds for experiementing) Why would you use light foot when you could just sprint? Plus, it's not a big speed boost at all. I couldn't see its advantage on any round, in any mode.
Same goes for the Thermal scope...useless.
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As far as the thermal scope goes - the only time I bother using a loadout (I have one) with thermal scope is when I have a ton of guys using smoke. Otherwise, it is pretty much an irritating gadget.

Lightfoot, on the other hand, I find quite useful. I get where I want to much faster and my sprints take me much further. That means I can catch up to people in front of me and get out of the way faster if I need to. That extra time really helps, so far as I am concerned.Maybe the heavy hitter and bio-booster can help you live a bit longer, but with the better guns in your hands it doesn't matter.
i thought lightfoot a waste of a gadget til i read this post and tried it...i see what you mean, it suits my style perfectly and its a worthwile attribute.
thermal scope is great esp in maps where the opposition hide like jungle and station
The thing about lightfoot is that if you are in a game with high level players it isn't going to help much. I find that it is really helpful if the players are lower than I am - usually in the afternoon when the low level players are on. In the evenings when the bad asses are on you need some armor to give you that split second edge between dying and a kill.
After reading this thread I have determined lightfoot is all based on playing style. I run around the entire match, so of course lightfoot is beneficial. Allowing me to run further, catch up to people, and in general getting into more battles. For those that are patient/calm or highly skilled distance shooters only needing to run when absolutely necessary, of course it's a waste of a gadget space.

So the point is certain gadget usefulness are based on player style not player skill.

Also I will add, just like when I play a football video game, I turn the game speed (not clock speed) all the way up, because slow games aren't as fun to me personally. This is what I equate the lightfoot with, turning up game speed. Am I the only one who thinks the game was a little slow?
Personally, I still use Heavy Hitter, but that's because I have crap aim. That way, if I end up having to spray-n'-pray, I need a smaller amount of hits to bring someone down.
Personally, I still use Heavy Hitter, but that's because I have crap aim. That way, if I end up having to spray-n'-pray, I need a smaller amount of hits to bring someone down.

Crap aim? You could have fooled me lol.

I use heavy hitter bio booster remote mines in all of my loadouts.
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