Legend Of Zelda Is Based On The American Government


Nov 21, 2006
Saginaw, MI
Wii Online Code
Okay, Dont think Im crazy...But after I finish playing LOZ : TP

This had my mind thinking, just a little bit
You have 3 pieces of the Triforce right?
Triforce of Courage
Triforce Of Power
Triforce Of Wisdom

Which Equals Out to
Triforce of Courage = Link
Triforce of Power = Ganon
Triforce of Wisdom = Zelda

As I remember right in my history class
There this term called "Seperation Of Powers"

Where it had a Main Power....But was seperated into 3 branches to prevent tyranny
(Sounds like the triforce huh? Who ever has all 3 pieces can become a Tyrant over Hyrule!!!)

Each branch of the state has separate and independent powers
(Link, Ganon & Zelda all have their own unique powers)

Each branch is also able to place limited restraints on the power exerted by the other branches
(No one can actually kill each other by theirselves In Zelda!)

The 3 Branches Of Government. The 3 Pieces Of Triforce & their holders
Legislative - Triforce Of Power - Ganon
Executive - Triforce Of Courage - Link
Judicial - Triforce Of Wisdom - Zelda

(Sounds Familiar huh?)

Okay, Now we have the checks and balances to talk about

No 1 branch can overrule another!

Zelda - Wisdom - Judicial Branch has the power to make laws & Break Laws. And the Cheif Justice has to be appointed to office, and hold that office until death
(She's the princess, Which Will Make A Her Queen To Help Conquer Hyrule. She is appointed that position until death [Loss Of Triforce])
Zelda = The Chief Justice

Link - Courage - Executive Branch can veto laws by 2\3rds majority vote.
[Link acts as a nuetral! If he teams with Zelda, they can banish Ganon's rule. If he teams with Ganon, They can banish Princess Zelda!!!]
The Executive branch may refuse to enforce certain laws.
[Link does not HAVE to save Hyrule]
The Executive Branch consists of the president. The president goes all over trying to solve problems...
[Link goes all over helping Gorons, Impa'z, Hylians, Zora with their problems.]
Link = The President

Ganon - Power - Legislative Branch has the power to WRITE laws, & Power to declare war. It also consists of the House Of Representatives and The Senate.
[This just screams Ganon! He wants to rule Hyrule his way (he basically write laws). He declares war basically by making armies of monsters for Link to kill. And for Ganon to try to have power he always needs a sidekicks...(i.e. Zant, Bosses. Its never Ganon by himself! Not like Link or Zelda)
Ganon = The Senate
His Partner = House Of Representatives

Sorry if I put you all to sleep. But I see history class payed off

Zelda Is The Government

Who would have thought the government was fun?
Who would have thought we loved the government?

Not I!!!!

I see that Fun is the key to Education
You guys just didnt see it as the governemnt but just an
action\adventure game

(Sorry If I sound like a Saturday Mourning Special)

This is just somethin to make ya think!!!

The Legend Of Government : Bush In The Past
The Legend Of Government : Best President Of Time (Clinton)
The Legend Of Government : The Twin Towers [Wind Waker] (BUSH)
The Legend Of Government : Twilight President (BUSH!!!) [LOL:lol: ]

This is kinda funny to me

But did this post make you think?
What are you inputs on this!?!?!?!?!?!?
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You have a lot of time on your hands xD

But it's witty, I give you that o:
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Well, After beating TP and being dissapointed....I had too much time on my hands!...Plus I dont go to work until tomorrow....LOL
I think this is one of the most clever posts I've seen on a forum before, and regardless if anyone else posts saying it's stupid, I think its actually pretty funny. Especially the Bush comments. :D
:lol: nice.

Only thing is, in the U.S. Government, the 3 powers are working together to (hopefully) achieve the same goal.

In LOZ, Ganon is always working against Link & Zelda.

Either way, Bush could probably learn a few things from Link

Well, I kind of think Bush is more like Ganon than any other character, he's evil.
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Could this mean Link is really the Evil one?
Maybe the next Zelda, Link could be Evil!...lol

But back on subject! They are suppose to work for a common good
But it never seems to work....While G Dub is in Office
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Yeah, You guys might not hear from me again!! lol
I might be on some un-located Island for people that know to much

Like on the Simpsons, when they Drugged & Sent Homer away to that island
lol thats a good episode. well hopefully they will let u bring and play ur wii, thats all that matters. have a good "vacation" wink wink
Nice! Never Wouldve Thought About It That Way...(or even at all :p)

Were Just Learning About The Civil War In My Class... Like It Was Important Or Something, :lol:... Just Kidding :D
Aw man! I mean I see your point but you just poo poo'd on Link with polotics and or government stuff.... Personally I think your theory is very well thought out.