Locking Threads


Nov 15, 2006
What is the point in locking threads?

There have been several posts about things that I didn't know about, and they were locked. For example: the one that was just posted about creating your Mii online. I didn't know about that. If I would have come here later tonight I would not have had a chance to see it because it got locked, and then can't be bumped.

If the thread is about something that everyone already knows about then it will fall back by itself.

And, you may say, "Use the search function". Well, how and why could I use the search function the search for a web page that creates Mii's if I had never heard of it?

Not trying to be rude here. I just don't get it. And also, I know it feels not so good when you are all excited to tell people about something and then the thread gets locked. Like I said, if nobody cares about it, the thread will fall to the back all by itself. No need to be locked.
Usually what ive seen on this forum and others is that whenever a topic gets to out of hand, like useless spamming or just getting away from the original topic and whenever there is a double post of the same topics.
Well with your example, the online Mii creator, has been posted in a thread about 15 times so far on this forum, and I'm not even joking, it gets annoying seeing the same threads repeated constantly. But now you know about it, you can easily use the search and find one of the many threads about it, and use it :)
No, there are threads that get out of control and inappropriate that need to be locked. Hang around more and you'll see...
If a question has been answered in a previous thread similar to yours, what's the purpose of having something repetitive? It just gets annoying and clusters the board with the same old ****.
The reference to searching isn't for the reader, it's for the poster. If a thread already exists on the topic you are posting on, you should add to that thread rather than creating a new one. There is a big problem here of redundant threads (I can find about 3-4 at any given time just about keeping the blue light on)
threads are locked for diffrent reasons. sometimes its because of spam or flaming. other times its because the thread is a repeat (like the Mii creator thread). that Mii creator has been posted MANY times. most people already know about it. the thread creator needs to search to make sure what he has posted hasent already been posted and if it has, just post a comment in the thread that has already been made instead of creating a new one
registerednerd said:
The reference to searching isn't for the reader, it's for the poster. If a thread already exists on the topic you are posting on, you should add to that thread rather than creating a new one. There is a big problem here of redundant threads (I can find about 3-4 at any given time just about keeping the blue light on)

Why not just start dishing out warnings and lock most of them?