looking 4 pokemonz

Cpt.McCloud said:
It is sarcasm...

Lolz used sarcasm.

Try looking for a member with an action reply if you want a 'hacked' pokemon, action reply is not hacking but most people think of it as hacking.
The term 'hacked' is used broadly, and in this case (most cases Pokemon-wise) hacked=cheated. It's like if I said, "Stop talking in leet-speak." and someone said, "It's 1337, not leet." ._. As long as the point can be drawn across doesn't matter so much. But anyways this thread isn't about definitions it's about Pokemon, and as stated in my first post, what he's asking doesn't exist. Which means even with the support of an action replay, he wouldn't be able to acquire it, he'd have to add data in which doesn't make any sense :wtf: