Make your own phrase out of "TLC"!

the loose cod
the linkish cod
the linconshire cannon
the linkonshire cod
tronga Leila; captain
timmy lost control
the little captain
the lost captain
the lost child
the lamp chomper
they like compodude
they love compodude
the link cannon
the loveable coin
the loveable cat
The Lazy Cow , lol only joking :lol:
Thick Limb Crack?
Thorn Ligement Cut?
Thinking Loner Croner?
Thumber Lina Cake?

My mind is demented lol
Brawny said:
"Thick Limb Crack?"

that made me think of "A separate Peace" by John Knowles

Thick Limb Crack just came into my mind, is it in that book you mentioned or something? :lol:
ssbb_lover said:
Tyler loathes Cpt.McCloud


:(tyler doesnt like me:frown2:

Tyler littles Cpt.McCloud

tyler's livid cousin

tyler loved Cpt.McCloud
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Cpt.McCloud said:
:(tyler doesnt like me:frown2:

Tyler littles Cpt.McCloud

tyler's livid cousin

tyler loved Cpt.McCloud
Oh c'mon.

Tyler Loves Cpt.McCould (erm, in a brotherly way)

Tyler Likes Cheetahs

Tyler Leans Cinderblocks
tyler's little cousin

tyler likes causicans

tyler loves carps

The Loving Captain

The lovely carpet

The loose cheetah

the loose captain
tyler licks cocaine

tyler licks cars

tyler loaths chocolate

tyler's livid cheetah
tyler licks catterpillars

tyler loves cattapillars

tyler licks cats

tyler's licking contraption

tyler licks cops