

WiiChat Member
Jan 29, 2008
Hiya everyone.
Im new for the sake of my kids lol, so if they have a prob or question I will be the one asking
They got a Wii for xmas but im the only one old enough to join up ... I think :p hehe
Welcome to thie forum we call Wii Chat. Enjoy your stay and follow the rules :D
Well you came to a good place.
WiiChat has very knowledgeable members on here that can help almost anybody with their problems or questions. Check out the various sections of the forum, there you can ask questions and find answers.

Welcome and Enjoy! :wink:
Welcome AlwaysARed ! You will like it here, and get to know most of us over time. Just watch out for a select few :eek:ut: .... j/k :p