Nintendo hints of its not-so-new system?

cool good find. I thought somthig must of been done with the M lol
HA good find
ericlewis91 said:
this is fake

What exactly is fake?

It's a real game screenshot and it's the man's THEORY. I, personally think it's a very entertaining theory. What if Nintendo had the plan for that long? It has been confirmed by Nintendo that the name change was planned long before it was announced. (Even though Nintendo Power just said months, who knows, maybe it was years?) It's a pretty interesting idea.
the name wii hadnt been thought up at that point if im not mistaken. strange coincedince at the most, but youre very observant.
well actually, it was originally gonna be called the "Revolution", but it was later changed to "Wii" at the last minute. however, that might be a good clue to how they got the name in the first place ;)
shoot anything can look like a wii.. my mom looks like a wii! :D

could this be a coincidence i think not!
phillepino said:
shoot anything can look like a wii.. my mom looks like a wii! :D

could this be a coincidence i think not!

I don't think your mom looks like a Wii though.

And I still say its a nice find, hell the revolution could have just been a cover up
I don't mean to sound like an a** here but how would any of you know what nintendo does? do you work for nintendo? no you don't....IT IS A THEORY AND A GOOD ONE

and wiifreak9292 are you kidding me you call kiraownsurmom a are on a gaming chat site and you are a freak for your wii as your name say

now im not trying to start a fight here but my point is none of us know anything about what their plans were for the wii. and you should not put someone down for having an idea