Official Graphics Comments & Criticism

M@gicM@rk said:
Nice effects, okay colors, but I don't really like the text... and the blue swirly effects, while really neat, distract from the focal. Get them going in a direction towards him and it'll be that much better.

I can't really tell you to make it darker, since you made it to be bright... but consider it. XD

[/Half asleep while posting... whops.]
~Signed. Also, you might want to work on your depth more.
ssbb_lover said:
~Signed. Also, you might want to work on your depth more.

Yeah. Now once I see my sig, I see that it is flat. :lol:
Close said:
This is sig made for a bright bg on a page. My recent:

Remove the text, make the colours in the focal make the render stand out more, and fix up some sharpening - and it'll be pretty damn dope. Swirl effects are hot, just need something more to 'em.. make 'em stand out a little more..
Wiired said:
Remove the text, make the colours in the focal make the render stand out more, and fix up some sharpening - and it'll be pretty damn dope. Swirl effects are hot, just need something more to 'em.. make 'em stand out a little more..

Thanks for the C/C , Rep :wink:

Anyway, I think this is only my like second or third stock, I tried to work on depth, so here it is:


Cant see white borders (dammit!)​
Cant see the white borders but I was trying to follow your guys' advice but I had to make a whole new sig:


(Click for the real size)​
Hey hey hey!

I made this guy from scratch in Flash CS3.


I want him in a sig. Any ideas on how to do this? (No I do not own PS CS3 but I can translate between GIMP 2.4 and PS)
What do you mean how?...Just save it in a PNG. format and open it in PS.
Ver. 1:

Ver 2:

Taken from a LP I made for an Art Project (whole thing is in the Art Thread), made on a horrificly old version of Photoshop Elements (doesn't have pen tool or anything cool), so yeah, thought I might as well make a sig from it :)

Note : It has a 2px white border.
ssbb_lover said:
What do you mean how?...Just save it in a PNG. format and open it in PS.

...1. Do not own PS
2. I was hoping for a tip on what I should use to make the sig. As in how would I do this (make a sig with 'im)

...Lame. :mad5:

Oh well thanks for a response anyways.
Wiired said:
Ver. 1:

Ver 2:

Taken from a LP I made for an Art Project (whole thing is in the Art Thread), made on a horrificly old version of Photoshop Elements (doesn't have pen tool or anything cool), so yeah, thought I might as well make a sig from it :)

Note : It has a 2px white border.

Oh EM Geeee!!!!! It really IS 3D!!!!!1111

@Pras, yeah, if you need a picture to come to life, I can do something for ya. :smilewinkgrin:

@Ryan, damn dude, your style looks like it comes from tutorials or something. Like I said before, you need a different style, other than using C4Ds. That one with the twirls is different, even though that style is already whored.

@Monsteroids, that's a nice cartoon character. You should add more characters to that image (obsiously with a bigger canvas), it'll do a sweet composition.
Monsteroids said:
...1. Do not own PS
2. I was hoping for a tip on what I should use to make the sig. As in how would I do this (make a sig with 'im)

...Lame. :mad5:

Oh well thanks for a response anyways.

Save it as an XWF. file (or something like that?). It's been a long time since I've talked with some one who used GIMP regularly, so I can't totally remember what the GIMP equivalent to PNG. is. Anyways, save it with that file type and cut the render yourself. If you have to, save it in JPG. format, even though you'll lose some quality, there's not really enough detail on him that the lower quality would ruin, so that would be my "Plan B".

But, yeah. Cool character, I like it man. :)
A new sig
By request

Ive been ponderin -
Why do people make still sigs ?