Official Guitar Hero Friend Code Thread

Mine is in my sig -- I've started playing certain songs on Medium :) but I'm still mostly playing on Easy ...

I've played BlackJack and his kids a couple nights ... I don't know about them, but I had tons of fun :)
Naner said:
Mine is in my sig -- I've started playing certain songs on Medium :) but I'm still mostly playing on Easy ...

I've played BlackJack and his kids a couple nights ... I don't know about them, but I had tons of fun :)
Im online now if ya fancy a game?

I've never played online!

Ive added you...
Yes, they all had a great time, especially my daughter. :D They want to know when we'll play again. ;) Getting more Gh friends, it's great fun to play online!
Naner said:
Mine is in my sig -- I've started playing certain songs on Medium :) but I'm still mostly playing on Easy ...

I've played BlackJack and his kids a couple nights ... I don't know about them, but I had tons of fun :)

I'll add you. Still playing on easy too. Just got the game.
Another thing to note - if you want to play me, then please IM me if you have AIM b/c I don't always see the little pop-up that comes up ... if I'm online in the game, I'm online on AIM so .. yeah :) thanks!
Just to make you all aware, my friend code has changed for Guitar Hero.

My sig has been updated.

If you add me, please drop me a PM so I can do the same.

For those I added previously, I will need to add you again.
Hey guys, havent been on here in a while.. started to play some GH3 again. Add me and PM so i can add you heres my information:

Lets play
GH3 COde: 025884 698280
GHIII friend code: 463980688445

I've had the game a couple weeks and am currently playing on medium. Played a few medium online matches tonight for the first time and won 2 of 4 matches.

Add & PM me if you're still in the medium and would like to play. :thumbsup: