Online Wii Names

Now I wish I lived on the East Coast! They will be able to get their Wiis atleast an hour before me (yes, I live in the midwest; Columbia, Missouri, said with an "e" at the end, not an "uh" if you know what I mean).

I think Wii will have a system nickname, so says the Wii Interface Videos which can be found on this site and IGN. I hope Nintendo lets us do this because a number is just not fun. I already have to remember like 10 passwords and a few lock combinations. NO MORE NUMBERS!!!:yikes:
Mine will be Subzero or Subzer0 or Vladimir_Claven (not my real name) or Shiny_Mario
Any one of these:

I'll almost certainly be "Gymdawg".
If that's taken, which I highly doubt, I'll probably use "PlatyPunk", my brother's username (not here).
GreyKirby if that fits or PinkKirby idk if kirby is available im taking it. Anywho, for Melee, you could put in like a 4 letter word or something so you could be disctinct from other players[sorry if that didnt make sense or something] Mine was KIRB because there was no space for the Y... xD Anywho hopefully they will have as many letters as the DS usernames let you have :)
Mine's going to be 'Dedu' to identify myself as a training to be pro smasher in the mosman area. Its also my SSBM ID name in versus tourneys.

My alias in most SSBM websites is also Dedu. I don't think anyone will ever use a name like mine lol
Well at first I would use Steven or any of the SSBB charecter names (haha ya right I get them)

if not well... some random stupid numbers or something