Online Wii Names

Wii_Rulez although very likely it could be taken in that case Waluigi the Great if it fits if I have have another name i could use:ciappa:
GreyKirby said:
GreyKirby if that fits or PinkKirby idk if kirby is available im taking it. Anywho, for Melee, you could put in like a 4 letter word or something so you could be disctinct from other players[sorry if that didnt make sense or something] Mine was KIRB because there was no space for the Y... xD Anywho hopefully they will have as many letters as the DS usernames let you have :)

If there is a 4 letter word, I will be Beck. Or if I'm Link, I'll make it Oni, so it will be like this: [Oni]Link. xD
Something im known well by. So that if SSBB has leader boards I dont have to proove to nebs im the guy in 1st place :O. lol jk. one of my many names i guess. That guy. Guy with the hair. SZ2K. Jigglyruff. Flamethrower. Fists of Playdoh.
Ya uh mine will be my Username for here... If that's taken u can find me under the 3 following names

Pie Frenzy
Wii Fanatic :yesnod: