Ranking Question


the best kid!
Oct 2, 2007
Wii Online Code
Do you think when playing random people, your record will be kept but you won't be ranked? I mean if you sign into your thing in brawl like your custom control scheme, wont that record wins and losses? all i want is a record keeper like strikers. do you think it will have that?
Setting goals for yourself

I do that on MSC

that's why i hate disconnecting faggots so much, because it messes up my personal win:loss ratio
^It won't happen. The reason there are no ranks with 'anyone' is in an attempt to stop people from disconnecting when they are about to lose. If there are any records of any form, than it is likely that people will disconnect, regardless of whether they're records are publicly shown or not.
They could make it so that a disconnect counts as two loses or something, then people wouldn't do it
^Haha, I think I'm finally figuring out where you're coming from. Okay, new approach:

Nintendo won't do the whole 'Disconnect and your score goes down' thing. I dont know why, but they just aren't that far along in their online experience. That is why we have been disagreeing this whole time, atleast I think. Because you think that they could solve the problem that way, while I, on the other hand, have accepted the fact that it will not happen, and the possibility has not even crossed my mind.

So this is where I'm coming from: Since Nintendo won't do that, the only logical choice is to not rank games.
I don't think it'd be that hard to make it record disconnects as loses though (not to start anything again)

I am a student programmer C++ and java and I know I could prgram a way to record disconnects as loses as long as they don't both disconnect at the excact same time. Although I'm probably wrong... I've only taken introductory courses in each language and I'm guessing theres a reason it would probably slow it down or something annoying like that
That isn't the point.

It isn't a matter of what Nintendo can do, its a matter of what Nintendo will do. I don't know why, but they refuse to make it happen.
It will record your wins loses but I highly doubt it will be ranked. At least thats my opinion.
i think its a pretty safe bet that they will have some kind of record keeper on there
^You two read my original post. Not trying to change your opinion, just trying to clarify a possibility.