Sayonora Zetsubou Sensei


Man Points: Over 9000
this anime is a must see.

Its about a teacher,Nozomu that whenever something awful happens,even the slightest he turns to suicide.when his plan fails hed yell "what if i had died?" its pretty funny

i found some "easter eggs" within it as well

Episode 3: He suddenly falls over,Light Yagami appears above him,and he act like L when he died.
Episode 3: He tells a lie and a "Psyce Lock" from Phoenix Wright forms around him.
Episode 3: Nozomu and a girl do the "Fusion Dance"
thats just some of them.
anyone else heard of this?
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Yes I have
But ive only seen ep one and that was muonths ago
It kijnda got pushed down my list
yeh i heard of it but was waiting for some positive feedback before i watched it. Definatly give it a watch now