Site Suggestion

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Tu Kewl

WiiChat Member
Nov 27, 2006
Ontario, Canada
Wii Online Code
What do people think about having sub forums for all of the wii games?

I think it may be easier to find the stuff that we're looking for than using the search and getting a bunch of unwated results.
For all games? That's insane. I think there should be an FAQ forum put up for help and walk throughs for certain games, but other than that, no.
No way! theres already about 40 games that we know about, might as well just have a simple gaming section like we already do, having loads of sub-forums would be annoying anyway, so keep it how it is perleez :)
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Kamikaze said:
Then go to the Xbox forum.

Hard to do then when I own a Wii and not a xbox. I was using it as an example. And its the actual official xbox forum, not the one here.

I'd also put a vote in for a having a Wii Sports subforum, since everbody has the game.
Tu Kewl said:
Hard to do then when I own a Wii and not a xbox. I was using it as an example. And its the actual official xbox forum, not the one here.

I'd also put a vote in for a having a Wii Sports subforum, since everbody has the game.

No, your votes and opinions, in all honesty are stupid.
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Kamikaze said:
No, your votes and opinions, in all honesty are stupid.

Oh I'm sorry for my posts not meeting your standards. I'll try my best to be the best at everything like you are....hahahah geek boy...
Tu Kewl said:
Oh I'm sorry for my posts not meeting your standards. I'll try my best to be the best at everything like you are....hahahah geek boy...

Geek boy? That's quite ironic, as your username quickly states you as being "Tu Kewl", which is obviously quite nerdy, or should I say geekish? Go play your Dungeons and Dragons, as the magic elves happen to be your only friends.
Can't Wii All Just Get Along? lol.

But seriously, you guys need to stop acting childish. Tu Kewl was just making a suggestion and that was it. He wasn't making any unreasonable demands. Those suggestions will probably never be met, but so what... they are suggestions. Let those suggestions be considered by whoever runs this forum.
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Mysterio said:
Can't Wii All Just Get Along? lol.

But seriously, you guys need to stop acting childish. Tu Kewl was just making a suggestion and that was it. He wasn't making any unreasonable demands. Those suggestions will probably never be met, but so what... they are suggestions. Let those suggestions be considered by whoever runs this forum.

It's quite inevitable to get along with someone that has the IQ of a goldfish. Especially when they know that their question is farfetched by any demands, yet they continue on pursuing to repeat the question as if they're some hemmerroid. Suggestions are brilliant ideas at most, his idea happened to be moronic to say the least.

TuKewl said:
wtf is dungeons and dragons?

Denial is always the first step to admitting young one.
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