Still don't have a Wii.


WiiChat Member
Dec 3, 2006
I havent gone on in the forums for a long time. That is because im out there looking for a Wii. But there are not any wiis out there, in San Diego,CA. If you can help me find one.
I hate to say it but it looks like your major option is scamsville (aka eBay) if you want one badly. If not you just have to wait for the next shipment which could take long to come through.
Always check best buy/circuit city flyers. I thought I would never get one and then on Sunday morning they had an ad saying get there an hour before opening and then you get a voucher for a wii. I got there around 8:45 (they opened at 10) and I got one. Also, always call Gamestop/EB, they don't know when they get them, they just open a box and have wii's. My friend is a manager of an EB Games here in Rochester and they just got a random shipment of 4 yesterday. When Circuit City got their shipment they got 17. Like I said I thought they were impossible to find, but with enough patience and dedication to find one, you will get one.
We have had 2 shipments of Wii's in the past week. About 40 or so in total. There is a store about an hour from my house that had 7 Wii's from open to close; never sold one.
There should be some places releasing it this weekend if the stores don't sell the Wiis immediately when they get them. Target and CC from what I've heard. If I were you I would call and ask.

I used to live in SD a few years back. I recently made a trip back and was surprised that there were none of the shelves. There weren't any PS3s. I guess SD is getting the short end of the supply stick for some reason.
PS3's are available anywhere. They can't give them away. As for Wii's they are gone within a few hours of opening at various stores. Here in the Phoenix Metro Area Best Buy, Circuit City, Wal Mart, Target and Toys R us get anywhere from 25-50 units each week and release them on Sunday. They are all gone within the hour.

The Gamestop is Ocala, Florida has 2 Wii's in stock So does the walmart in Dunnellion, Florida both have 2 units.

As of 9pm EST time when the store closed I was the last one in when they locked up. So in the morning they gonna have 2 on for sale still. He said he had them 3days. And Walmart is 24hours so who knows how long those will be there.
check im greek so this will only help people that speak it or have greek friends.

greece doesnt sell wii´s but they have ordered them, they do have a bunvch of them at example greek online gaming stores, if you find a site that allows u to order one, without doubt youll find one for sure...!