The best wii game so far.

Actually, I think newcomer BWii will use most of the innovations of WiiConnect24 capabilities. With all the online modes and downloadable content, I think it'll be a great launch title and will draw in younger or intimidated players who want to play games ala Halo, but just are taken down by the big shots.
these posts a re started by kids and responded to by kids...We haven't played any games on the Wii, so how is it possible to know
GO NIC7 AND KAPS!!!! WOOOOOOOOOO GO BWii!!! Supporters!! That game will own, but I bet the third one will be the best, third game is ussualy best in a series becuase first one finds out what it needs, second one finds out what it dosent need and could improove in, so that leaves third perfect. BUT STILL!! WOoo i dont know if BWii is a launch title, i will cry if it is
O D S T said:
these posts a re started by kids and responded to by kids...We haven't played any games on the Wii, so how is it possible to know

So you are a kid because you are answering... well, it doesn't matter, people in this forum know so much about the games, that they almost can say which one is better... if you don't like this, please don't say that.
i also cant see bwii being a launch title, we will probably see it and stikers wii next year, hopefully around the same time as brawl
BWii, theres like a 90% chance it wont be a launch title, and i hope it isnt, i will wait for taht game so it can become GOOOOOOOOOD, and i hope they fix the stupid problem with missile vets not shooting gunships unless you maunually tell them too, the rifle men fight infantry, the bazookas fight tanks, WHY DONT THEY AUTOMATICLY FIGHT AIR?
i also like to see another good game come out about every 3-4 monts, so i hope they space out some off the good none launch titles