The Many Holidays of Every Day

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  • #46
Women around the world would be mad at you

Then they'd be either hypocrites, or think the world revolves around them personally/as a woman. And thus I wouldn't care. :lol:

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  • #52
Wow SSBfreak. I never knew you had such terrible control of fowl language.

Can't ****ing help it ********. Watchin' a god damn shitton of Samuel L. lately.

That, and I have tourettes of the typing variety. True story! srsly

Very late post of the day coming soon... >_>;
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  • #54
October 21st

Today, we've got a good five holidays.

Reptile Awareness Day
Iodine Deficiency Disorder Prevention Day
National Mammography Day
Overseas Chinese Day (Taiwan)
Carrie Fisher's Birthday

Reptile Awareness Day, or RAD, is just as epic as it's acronym. Reptiles are win, and are without a doubt my favorite type of animal. All you mammal and insect lovers can shove it today. These cold blooded beings are often loathed out of ignorance or false facts; such as some people believing all snakes are vicious, venomous, slimy and disgusting, or being afraid of a harmless iguana thinking they're somehow blood thirsty. Anyone who was lucky enough to have hired zoo keepers to come to their grade school bringing along their gigantic python or boa of choice, and then being brave enough to hold it, should know reptiles are the definition of cool pets and those wives tale rumors are 100% false. Yep, this is my holiday pick of the day.

Iodine is, to my own surprise, a necessary trace element for the human body. Thus, Iodine Deficiency Disorder Prevention Day is an important day of awareness about IDD. Iodine deficiency can cause serious health problems like goiter, and even when the deficit is small, it can cause problems such as extreme fatigue, mental slowing, depression, and weight gain. Lucky for me, I eat seafood whenever possible, so I personally should have more than enough iodine in my diet. Do you get enough iodine?

National Mammography Day isn't just an awareness day; people looking to get a mammogram can get discounted or even free screening mammograms on this day, and some areas participating in the generosity for the entire month. That's just awesome. Not everyone with potential health problems can afford, or will have a tough time affording a mammogram, so this is a great medical holiday. It'd be my pick of the day if I didn't <3 reptiles.

Overseas Chinese Day is a day to welcome the Chinese to the country hosting the day... And if you read yesterday's holiday post, you know my hateful opinion on these sort of days... The second "GTFO" holiday of the day award goes to this one, indeed.

Carrie Fisher played that one chick from Star Wars. She's also the voice actor of Peter Griffin's boss in Family Guy, which made me lol when I discovered that. Not the most notable birthday, I'd say.

... So, who knows someone with a pet Alligator? I do. :D
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  • #58
I'm no pet owner, but it seems avian's make better pets.


I'd disagree. There's this cockatiel that was passed on to unlucky relative #1; me. Love 'em, but hot damn are they messier than a snake or a gecko. I know from experience avian pets have their disadvantage. Bird down can cause allergic reactions in people like cat and dog fur, and the "powder" in general makes for some relatively nasty air. Some birds, especially my male cockatiel, are incredibly noisy. They're generally easy to scare as well (some birds can have completely unprovoked "night scares"), which can make for some unfortunate middle-of-the-night wakeups. Cage cleaning is also pretty messy, and I'd sure as **** rather change out the stone, gravel, whatever of a reptile cage and pick up waste pellets than deal with that. My point is that birds can be rather messy for pets, unless you're dealing with the smallest varieties like sparrows or other songbirds.

There's plenty more for me to complain about my cockatiel too, even if, indeed, I love 'em... And personally, I'd rather have an iguana or snake on my shoulder(s) than my bird.

Shes not one chick thats a pretty important chick if you ask me


Funfact: I don't give a flying **** about star wars in any way. :p Just ain't my thing.