ToeJam and Earl Review/Questions


Aliens Exist
Feb 8, 2007
Look, I love Toejam and Earl as much as the next guy but....

Somehow it was better when I was little, I just got it on my VC the other day, it's funny, the beats are still classic, and the humor is just priceless.

There's just one problem...

The game isn't that good!

In Co-op it IS berable to play but other than that I find it hard to play. :mad2:

I wanna like it so bad but I can't.
During points in the game you just want toejam or earl to hurry the hell up! The whole game is like walking only in GTA.... it's too big a place to go that fast.

I know it's been out for a while but I thought I'd throw my 2 cents in.

I give it a

And can other people delve in on there expierence with the game thus far?

P.S. Even though it's not the best game it's always nice to have Toejam and Earl right on your wii channels. :cornut:
i want to get this game too just because i loved it so much as a kid, but i have the same issue w/ thinking that it won't be as good. i think i'll just try playing it w/ an emulator and make sure i still like it... i think you have to be lit to like it these days
You guys are way too you really need to be doing everything at 100mph? We as a civilization need to slow down or we will kill ourselves!!

PS Toejam and Earl rock!
I think it would've been an awesome game to play back when it was completely innovative, but now that its gameplay aspect has been used by other developers in addition to their own gameplay type it seems a bit lacking.

I played it for the first time not too long ago not on the Wii and it was a neat experience, but then it got old. I still recognize it as a good game for its time though.

I just did the same thing with toe jam and earl with my buddy and we both agreed it was a have to get game! then when we played it we thought it was absolutely STUPID. :mad2: DO NOT DOWNLOAD THIS GAME!!! Take it from me I agree it was a much better game back in the day, in my opinion it's now rated as one of the absolute WORST games EVER!!!:incazzato:

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Zanatos said:

I just did the same thing with toe jam and earl with my buddy and we both agreed it was a have to get game! then when we played it we thought it was absolutely STUPID. :mad2: DO NOT DOWNLOAD THIS GAME!!! Take it from me I agree it was a much better game back in the day, in my opinion it's now rated as one of the absolute WORST games EVER!!!:incazzato:


i. love. you. :prrr: