Weather channel is done... what's next?

hey the_peripheral,

Maybe your LIEING about your age?
or if not then you are the biggest baby ive ever seen.
buckyfellini said:
your house doesn't have windows? :tard:

So i've been reading these posts because of how excited i am that i have a wii and i want to learn as much as possible..

BUT my favorite is everyone and their sarcasum.

fun fun:thumbsup:
hey does anyone know if the weather channel can show the weather on the little box that you click in the wii menu. In the japanese trailers of the weather channel you could see the temp before you went into the actual channel.. but messing around with it today i couldnt seem to figure out how to do it.. can you or did they leave that out?
Internet on the 22nd for North America and Europe :D:D

and if it comes out a day earily like weather then TOMOROW!!