What should i...?


Player Hater
Nov 21, 2006
Wii Online Code
I have zelda Tp, COD 3, NFS:C, and TigerWoods.
it seems like ive had those games forever, now what game should i get because im getting tired of COD 3, and NFS:C...also TigerWoods.
Mario Party 8 doesn't really catch my eye...should i wait to c what one i should get?
I dont want red steel....=\..i've been bored lately and summer is right around the corner...any ideas would be frickin sweet!!!

plus i live in the U.S.

there are alot of these threads going around I suggest look at the others and see what other people had to say.Anyways check out
SSX Blur
The Godfather
omg i swear im never coming back to the gaming forum if i see another thread like this there are like 8 asking the same ****ing question!
Red Steel is actually a really fun game, there is an actual fix to the glitchy aiming, after that it's pretty fun. Though besides that SSX Blur is a fun game. DBZ is an awesome game if that strikes your fancy, even if it's a little, because the controls are amazing for it. Paper Mario is kinda fun, I thought it was short, but fun. Trauma Center is a must if you never played it on DS. Rayman/WarioWare is fun with friends Prince of Persia if you have never played the series. A few others, but those are the highlights I can think of.
Super Paper Mario is a sure bet and you could also maybe try Manhunt 2 if that's your thing (comes out in a couple weeks)

Strikers too, but that doesn't come out in the US til late July
super monkey ball rocks single player and with friends
red steel is great single player
wii play is fun for an extra wiimote and the games are fun with friends in small doses, 30 minutes to an hour. (billiards might last longer)
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thanks all for your help...im sure to get manhunt and strikers and paper mario

Resident Evil 4
Resident Evil : Umbrella Chronicles
Super Paper Mario
Super Mario Galaxy

Good things come in 2's it seems!