What will your Nickname be

GWii said:
lol people are going to see cool names on here and just take them and then you will be mad that your name has been taken. hehe

I'd imagine because of the console code required all your nickname does is go in your friends address book so instead of seeing the 16 digit code of whatever he see's who's it is so I would imagine even if someone did use your name you could still use it :p and it would be hard to impersonate someone seeing as you'd have to know them to get their code.
rodent, definetely. not sure how it started, but whenever im on an online game, forum, or anthing else, the names rodent :cornut:
dan99iel said:
Wiired. Sorry Wiired, its jusst such a cool name!

you are a douche
I want my nickname to be Carlos wich is also my real name. If that is already chosen then I would have to think what nickname I would put myself.