Where can I sell it?


WiiChat Member
Jul 20, 2009
Hey everyone!

Just joined wiichat and this is my first post (yaaaaaaay.....)!

I bought the game "The legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon" a few months ago because the reviews said it was really good and some people told me the series were pretty good. After I got it I was really disappointed. It was so short and boring all you do is fight. I was just wonder if anyone knows where I can sell the game for a good price? I don't want to sell it on the internet thought because I don't trust it (friend got scammed before). I store that I could sell it to would be the best option for me. So, if anyone knows please post!

Thanks if you posted!
Well, you could go to Gamestop and give it to them. That will give you credits to buy other things at the store.
Gamestop is where I sell my used games, but you cant get cash back, just store credit
Sorry for late reply but I think the problem with selling online is the wait period invovled in selling a run of the mill average game. It can take a long time for someone to actually buy your game. But if you arent looking for quick money and you can wait that long to sell it than defiently sell it online.

If you are looking for quick cash than gamestop is your best bet because you can get store credit right then and there.