which celebrity...

Zubayr said:
Yes in a "Scared boy Running naked through the woods away form the King" type of way.
your jus like the rest. makin idiotic comments like that. dont make judgements without facts.
ssbb_lover said:
Everyone with a falsetto voice
Michael Jackson
Anything else i'm not listing

What Part Of "I Put The 'U' In 'Idiot'!" Did You Not Understand?

Aahhahhh, you're talking about UK football too....

American sports are overpayed ten times as much as European athletes. They are half as talented as well. :rolleyes:
I absolutely hate Paris and Nicole from "The Simple Life". They are so arrogant and selfish that I just get angry looking at them, especially Paris.
Cruise. (F*** Scientology)
anyone on MTV's "My super sweet 16" (Not celebs, but they need a good right to the jaw anyway)
Carson Daly (What a tool, his show is a real P.O.S.)
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  • #41
omg carson daily....thats a name i havent heard in like forever! tara reid comes to mind too!

i cant stand them.....and yes those stupid spoiled children deff need to be brought out in the ghetto for a day or something on that show! there was this one episode i watched where this girl was half persian half jewish and her "mum cut off her cwedit cawd!" (mom cut off her credit card- she said it soooo whiny just like that) and that she wanted this convertable and her dad was like NO! then she wanted to go to santa barbara and her mom bugged out. omg i hated that girl!!!!!

or that gay black guy (DISCLAIMER *** NOT RACIST***) that had a party and he was trying wayyy to hard to be "FABULOUS!!!!"

First thing that came to mind was Prince - he's such a waste of talent.

After that I'd like to bash George Dubbya with a set of golf clubs ...
zeon9881 said:
jim carry(i hvae no idea why people think hes funny)

OMG have you ever seen his films.....
Main one Ace Ventura. Your an idiot, you have no sense in comedy...

I'd punch david beckham [He's famous just from his Free Kicks]
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  • #45
jim carry WAS funny. mask sucked, ace ventura when nature calls was terrible!!!

the only movies i loved was "once bitten" rent it! its his first movie! CLASSIC! and liar liar <3333

i wanna punch him in the face cause of "23" that was BAD!