Which Kong Would You Want In Brawl?

I would have to go with Diddy he is probably the second main character but I don't know if any of them should be
Diddy would be the most probable but I want to play as Kranky Kong.:D
I've always like Diddy but they need to make someone different then again Super Smash Bros. hasn't always gone for most different it is usually most popular so although K. Rool would be cool but Ripley strongly reminds me of him and Ripley was in the starting screen of Melee (I think I am going to make a thread of most wanted characters and make a list) back to what I was saying K. Rool would be cool to play as they will go for the more probable one not some abstract character that would have good attacks
i want dixie. she rocks in both dkc 2 and 3. diddy was only good to me in the 1st dkc. think of the possibliites dixie could have in brawl. you could hold up to twril in the air to get back to stage. she could throw people with her hair like in the snes games and moderatly fast moving. i just dont see to many great possiblites for diddy kong
Same here although they need someone different they will use the more popular one *Sigh*
Chunky, Dixie and Diddy Kong, and also K Rool should appear in Brawl..and most of those I meantion will probably make it