Who are the persons you PM the most in Wiichat???

demonflair (that boy just wont leave me alone:lol: he gave me mental trauma)
Tyler (I dont want to comment on our pm's:lol:)
Jill (Normally snitching people up or asking for any updates or a little chat)
I actually PM Jay61 the most, we both come on here when we're in lessons or usually he's in a lesson and I'm waiting for him in the library, it's the only way we can talk to each other lol :/

It usually goes something like..

Me: Hurrrrry up I'm starving :lol:

Him: Okayyy lol, I'm sooo bored, I been playing games all lesson

16th May 2007

Defining proof and fact

*itsert scribbles of pacman here*[center/]​

i think dumbass luigi is cheating on me i think he PMing some one else cause today when i checked his Inbox it was full:cryin:
Meh most are from noobs askin me things
(should ask for rep in return but cant be arsed)
tsk tsk.. Bad Darkprinny, Bad Darkprinny. =) I usually PM and recieve pm's from people who are playing games such as Pokemon/ random Wii game.