WiFi explanation/info/dilemma

shrek4wii said:
Um, I asked my parents about WiFi. I need to know how much it costs, how it works, and I have another dilemma: my parents said we could enable WiFi IF I gave up my regular internet access. Those of you with WiFi, is it worth it?

You have 2 choices that are both reasonably inexpensive. Either get a wireless router or get a Wii USB adaptor. Both use your current internet connection so you don't pay extra to use it and should cost around $40 or $50.

A router connects to your modem and then shares the internet connection with your computer and Wii.

A Wii usb adaptor plugs into your computer and then shares the internet connection with the Wii wirelessly.

Both will give your Wii wi-fi access but the router would be better if you ever want to connect more computers or other wireless devices.

It's useful to have your Wii connected as you can download updates, new channels, buy VC games and play wi-fi enabled games online.