Wii Friend Code Exchange V 2.0

add me people add me as jose and my fc 7600-5152-3694-5568 send me a message when you have added me
ok ime very confused (N)
what is a wii name?
is it the name you first typed in on it?
or just anything?
rofl :)
cause mine would be
Erin (if its just your name)
SupaDupa (if its the wii's nickname)
and my FC would be:8369 2514 3484 2841
rofl thankss (;
looking for wii friends

im looking to make some new wii friends i dont wana post my wii number out the re and accept friends randomly maybe you can send me an im on my yahoo messenger its [email protected] if you can contact me i am into learning chinese and japanese so if you contact me id love to be your friend. im 29 man from ks