Wii golf Freezing


aka jules
Dec 7, 2006
Clemson, SC
Bought my Wii 4 days ago, was up early this morning playing the sports training for maby 2 1/3 hours stoped for 10mins then started golfing again and the screen froze and it made a steady beep, the power button and the remote wouldnt work so i unpluged it and the lower left side was warm not what i would call hot. But as you can tell im alittle freaked out.:yikes:

Cause for concern?

Should i lay it on its side, i thought maybe covering that bottom vent may be bad? is the stand ok to use?

Does anyone have a gun i can borrow?!?!?!?!

tyvm for any replies
Welcome to wiichat and enjoy your stay.
Just leave it unplugged for a bit, and then you should be able to play it again without problems. If the problem persists however, then I say its time to get a replacement.
Laying it in either position is fine, although the most preferred position is vertical.