Wii hacking: Video from German confrence

omg the wii is gonna be hacked so quick, like modchips within a year, who cares about homebrew lol, oh well im getting originals anyway lmao at "they fixed the problem (backdoor one) they changed the password (i lol'd) they made it lower case" (p*ssing myself laughing) and "they fixed the problem (backdoor two) they removed the secret serial port, and added another one (on the floor), haha i'm still laughing now have a look
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omg the wii is gonna be hacked so quick, like modchips within a year

It's actually hacked already if you want to play copies. ;) Copies of Wii AND GC games even.
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Not without some electrical engineering know how atleast. I didnt follow cube modding but I assume you needed to sodder the chip into the serial prt thingy on the mainboard in the GC?... He said in the video that they simply changed the serial port, therefore all you would need to do is carefuly attach the GC 2nd gen modchip(backdoor 2) to the same connectors it was on before which now look different and are possibly in another order(though doubtful). Might need some tiny wires or something to get it done but it is 100% doable
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that guy reminds me of when you type long sentences with no spaces into a speak n' spell.

The password part was pretty funny.
I think that video would be fun if:
1. I could understand what the guy was saying
2. Knew what the words he attemped to say even meant

All I know is I might possibly be interested in copying my games, I guess. But this is confusing already.
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You guys seriously cant understand english with a German accent?

ze = the

chuze = choose


Beyond that it is only basically coarser than american english.

Yeah but what I don't understand is that the mod chip must exploit the software in some way to convince the OS that its a real game, can't Nintendo just buy one of the chips and then release a firmware update?
Cool video, liked some of the humor (password change :lol: was the funniest part, changed the pasword and made it lowercase :lol: LOL!) Also accent was really funny lol
Quite intresting video and the guys English really isnt that bad I feel, has any of it been independantly been confirmed?

Razoola said:
Quite intresting video and the guys English really isnt that bad I feel, has any of it been independantly been confirmed?


yeah.. i would like to know as well.