Wii in Australia thread

Deanis said:
LMAO... Wii's games just keep getting worse... check the latest reviews on IGN... they must be desperate they gave Catz a 6.0...

To put that into perspective they also gave these games a 6.*:
Sonic and Sectret Rings
Dewys Adventure
Red Steel
Mortal Kombat

Now im not saying these games are good, but compared to Catz?? WTF...
Catz is an OK game. The rated it for the younger generation obviously, and as a kids game its easy to play and can keep them entertained long enough that you can do something else. Yes, I own the damn game. Its Nintendogs with cats, and you don't take them for walks. My cousins like it though, their 4 and 6. Female and Male. I think it might just be the Wii controller though.

I got Trauma Centre today, its very hard. Addictive though
Random Uni rant -- For some reason it doens't allow me to register in any classes! Everyone else is allowed to - except people doing a few courses, and one of them happens to be mine! Which sucks because I need to be able to catch the bus over - and one class has quite a few classes on at 8am, or 4pm. I need like 9am - 2pm classes. I can't really go over that. Or under it. No idea how I am meant to arrive at 8am...

Anyway, University is getting unfortunately closer, which means I need to start trying to get a lift over if possible.
Thats how I got into TAFE. But I don't know how it worked, cause everyone in my class complains that Wii sucks and that SNES is better
Selling Super Paper Mario and Super Mario Strikers Charged

Yup, that's right, I'm going to sell my copies of Super Paper Mario and Super Mario Strikers Charged!

They are both in perfect condition as I've hardly played them, if any of you guys want either of them, let me know! I'm wanting to get $50 for each of them + postage. But I have been know to lower my prices!
I have MSC and SPM is crappily boring after the first time so...no thanks BOOO SNES...We only have one game for that and always have and will.

That's what happened with my brother Ekiushi, just the one that he wanted wasn't working...He rung up the place and they said someone had changed something and might not change until tomorrow...And that's exactly what my brother does too Deanis, well pretty much, graphics design alike...

My computer has been giving me the feces lately...turning off when it feels like it, internet likes to play up and sound cuts out half the time...Might get a new one soon, but I would rather get a snake tbh...

At school today....freakiest experience. We were in the science labs and I gave the person next to me a pencil and then turned back and looked at my sheet, and immediately noticed that something wasn't right...Like I had done it before...I swear it was freaky. I looked up and my teacher and a guy were talking, just like the other time. Most freakiest part...I could tell what everyone was gonna do before they do it...What they were gonna say, do, and where they would go...It went on for about 2 mins until the girl next to me nudged me to give the pencil back. I snapped out of the trance and went back to normal...But I swear, that was freaky...Not just did I think it had happened before but I knew it had, I could distinctly remember a kid at the front of the class talking to the teacher casually...And then he turned around and (for some reason, this started a while ago, he ALWAYS calls me a Legend) yeah, so he turned around and said that to me, but I just stared and was reciting in my head what people were gonna say next. It was one of the most bizzare experiences. Honestly.

Sorry for the extremely long story...Just needed to tell someone.
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