wii-mote tries cut tv in half

Haha, ouch man. That is awesome.

I'm sure I will experience something similar. I just hope for the sake of my self-esteem, that I break my TV in such a spectacular way, that it is remembered for a long time to come.
What an Idiot lol. Some people just can't keep hold of a remote lol Maybe they should practise changing the chanel when doing you know what. They'd have no chance LMAO. Fasten the strap you idiot
But nice Pic ^^
Obviously Fake but i've seen some videos of it before
Totally fake. No way in hell could it go right through the side of a TV at such low speeds. Secondly, the battery cover just happens to land on the TV stand, without bouncing off and hitting the floor? Seriously, how could anyone believe this?