Wiimote is broke help!

Plug it in again, stand alot further back, don't place near magnetic items such as speakers, because that would interfere with the signal. If it conitues to be disfunctional, post again
gong said:
just registered to say that I'm having the same problem. The pointer works fine, the buttons work fine - it seems that the accelerometer/motion sensor inside has stopped working completely. I can navigate menus and aim, but it won't recognize any kind of gesture, making it impossible to play most games./QUOTE]

it all started when the plastic piece on the strap hit the wiimote after i threw a ball in bowling. i tried resycning and changing batteries as well as playing with the sensor bar and everything.
yeah, it definitely still doesn't work. I've changed the batteries, resynced multiple times, I even had a friend bring their Wii over so I could try syncing the remote to a different console. No luck with that either. It's definitely a busted/damaged/out of alignment accelerometer.. the big question is if there's anything I can do about it short of sending it back. Does it void the warranty to open up a controller and take a look inside?
I am experiencing the same issue also. Sat in line for 3 hours at the local electronics store to secure a Wii this weekend. I brought it home and enjoyed a nearly 2 hour session of Wii Sports and during a boxing match we noticed the right hand (wii-mote) was stuck way up in the upper-right-hand corner and wouldn't respond to movements of the wii-mote.

What a buzz-kill. The cursor works fine but the motion-detection is dead. We didn't bump it on any hard surfaces or anything to that effect. Really disappointing. If anyone figures out a method of fixing this outside of popping it open and tweaking things let us know. I've tried:

1. New batteries
2. Re-sync (syncs and cursor works just fine)
3. turning the controller upside down (cursor flips like it should)
4. setting the remote on a flat surface for a bit (really not sure what the heck that is suppose to do but hell, I tried it)

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Apparently this is not an uncommon thing with the stock Wiimotes. You can call Nintendo and do what they call an "advance return", where you give them your credit card info as collateral. They'll mail you a box containing a new Wiimote, along with a return label for your old Wiimote. You send them the busted one (put it in the box, slap on the return label and drop it off at UPS, you don't have to pay shipping), and they credit the charge back to your card when they receive your old remote.

Otherwise you have to wait for your busted Wiimote to be mailed to them, then they test it, then they mail you a new one (turnaround is supposed to be like 1 week for this). Technically you could just return the remote at the store you bought it from.. but they all seem to sell out of remotes as soon as they come in, so good luck finding a store with some extras around. I'm taking the nintendo route.
Exactly the same problem here.....you are not alone.....i was playing bowling then i hit a glass candle holder with the wiimote. It has never been the same, cant play zelda or any wiisports games. I took the nintendo route to give me the advanced exchange. Hopefully it'll come in 3 more days:nonod: