Wii's REAL Hardware Specs *Rumour*

yeah i was going to correct jakke but i saw that he posted that in july. that could be up to 2 months ago.
Ketico said:
Hey Jakke its me Ketico. Actually the Specs for Gamecube where lower than the specs for Xbox and PS2. In my opinion the games for gamecube looked better than games for PS2 and some better than the original Xbox. When you've been in the business as long as Nintendo, you would know that you don't need super specs to make super graphics. The Wii will be fantastic gracphically.

Yes i know the specs was lower, but specs doesnt mean anything. your own eyes tells you what looks good and what doesnt.

Jakobthelyre said:
yeah i was going to correct jakke but i saw that he posted that in july. that could be up to 2 months ago.

What did i post in july?
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Hey guys it's me Ketico again. I wasn't upset when I talked about the last generation consoles. Just made observations of my experiences with the software. All I'm trying to say is that although Wii's hardware specs are lower than PS3 and Xbox360 they still will look great. Yeah I know that specs are just a small part of the whole equation, but just because they are lower doesn't when anything at all. Check out Final Fantasy III on the DS. Technically it's inferior to PSP, but the hardware hasn't been pushed to it's limit just yet in it's life cycle.
to let people know what ghz and stuff means. in completely eassy to get terms.
ghz is a measure of how much data the processor can 'sort' per second.
the processor has to deal with all the information from all the parts and hand it out to all the parts that need that information. It also does calcualtions on game physics ect. gpu is for graphics, all the HDR and AA and making trees with pretty shadows is done here.
the 'memory' as in physical data memory, like for game data and stuff is supposed to be 512mb (1/2 a gig) with a slot for sd (like camera card memory) on the front.
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Ketico said:
Hey Jakke its me Ketico. Actually the Specs for Gamecube where lower than the specs for Xbox and PS2. In my opinion the games for gamecube looked better than games for PS2 and some better than the original Xbox. When you've been in the business as long as Nintendo, you would know that you don't need super specs to make super graphics. The Wii will be fantastic gracphically.

Umn dude.. Did you even research the hardware specs of the PS2? It's CPU clocked in at 294Mhz how can you say this is more powerful than the GameCube's 485Mhz CPU? Not to mention the Xbox's 733Mhz CPU. I know the numbers are not important but if you are going to bring up hardware specs at least make sure you have the correct facts.

Besides, the GameCube was certified to be the most efficiently run console of the current-gen, with it using at least 90% of it's hardware capacity, while the Xbox used only 75% of it's hardware capacity. I don't know where the PS2 fits into all of this.
I can only hope that the wii runs as well as a gamecube. By that i mean, the game cube is very effective at what it does. I hope that the wii ends up being one effective little system that can take the heat from the ps3 and xbox 360. I also hope it is as well made. In tests, the game cube can be droped from a very high hight and still play games, It can be dragged behind a truck for miles on a rocky road and still play afterwords. The playstation 2 brakes just dropping it at chest hight. and the xbox can only take a bit more then the playstation 2. Man the cube could take a pounding. Literaly you can hit it with a sledge and it will still play games. I do not think that the wii will be a durable as the cube though. Thats just my opinion though.