Wouldn't it be cool if Capcom...

T3kNi9e said:
To say fansites would mock me for saying that is bs. Ive been to RE fansite forums. There are always a few who like the older ones because they have the sense of Nostalgia. But when RE4 beats the older RE's in reviews everywhere its not a fluke.

Sorry if the older RE's werent scary. RE4 wasnt SCARY it had some horror in it, more than the original RE's. I didnt find a game that barely had any enemies and almost all of them moved really slow and could be evaded. It did have more Survival because of the fact that it was better to run than to shoot in most scenarios. But that just made it boring. Not that the game was actually boring, but that part of it was... I would have rather the game had more ammo/kerosene and fight more zombies than to spend more time running around the zombies than fighting. Not to mention you didnt get to actually aim since it was just auto-aim. Puzzles were too easy yes I agree, they need to up the difficulty on it on RE5, then again the other resident evil's didnt have challenging puzzles either.

The proof that it was supposed to be a FPS... I can't actually show you because its in a book made by capcom called "The True Story Behind Biohazard" (Resident Evil = Biohazard in japan) made in 1997. But you can search the internet and find out youself.
wow you have lead me to believe you don't even know what you're talking about, i will believe this until you prove me otherwise and stop making up ****.
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Since you must read it somewhere else than from me here's a quote from wikipedia.

Elements lost in development
The following details are from The True Story Behind Biohazard (1997, Capcom):

Resident Evil was initially envisioned as a first-person shooter until it was decided that playing from a first-person perspective was not scary enough.

A series of documents, known as Trevor's Letters, were proposed for the original game, but not included in the final version due to the fact that they revealed too much of the game's plot too soon. They were later restored in the GameCube remake with a few differences due to the retroactive changes made in the new version.

Two characters appeared in an early draft of the game's storyline as Jill's and Chris's supporting characters. Gelzer, a muscular Caucasian man with a cybernetic eye who was scheduled to hold an entire roof up at one point of the game, and Dewey, a thin African-American man modeled after Eddie Murphy who would have served as the comic relief. In the finished version of the game, these two were replaced by Barry and Rebecca respectively. The name Dewey was then used for an unrelated member of S.T.A.R.S., pilot Edward Dewey.

Like i said it cant actually be proven unless you yourself buy the book since you cant really cite it except for stating the books name and the page. So if you really want to argue go buy the book and look for yourself. I myself first found out a long time ago when RE1 first came out.
T3kNi9e said:
Remade Resident Evil 0, 1, 2, and 3 for Wii using Resident Evil 4 over the shoulder style. With more zombies, new guns, bigger maps so it wont be too short of a game.

They put enough effort into the gamecube REmakes so why now REcreate the games yet again with a completely new engine when they could be making new rather than REmaking the old games yet again.