A question


wii owner
May 26, 2006
Wii Online Code
who else is getting the wii for their only console

i am but i have heard that ppl are saying it is only meant for a second console
it will be my first (and only for a while) but then i'll be getting either and xbox or a ps3 (maybe even both)

the last time around the cube was my second console, but i think i played it more despite owning my ps2 for over year and a half before getting the cube
only Gen2 console

The Wii will be my only gen2 console...though my old consoles never die. In the living room, I'll have the Wii, and my NES and XBox are already there. Upstairs I ahve the SNES, 64 and GC. I just can't give up the oldies :D
Get rid of my old consloes no chance in hell (saturn still out) i like my older consoles (dont ask for a list)(i am the collector of things that go beep)
stu said:
who else is getting the wii for their only console

i am but i have heard that ppl are saying it is only meant for a second console

Not only, but first. I haven't picked up a 360 yet, but I plan on it once Halo 3 comes out. Wii has my vote for first console, though. Still don't know if I plan on buying a PS3.
My brother got a 360, and the graphics are tight, but I'm sticking with the Wii all the way. I have a game cube, and I plan on keeping it, unless I have to sell it to buy the Wii. I won't give up my dreams untill I get the first... My bro don't think I'm gonna get it, but I bet that all the people here are.:cool:
I have a PS2 and a GC, and I'll only get a Wii once it comes out; no Xbox360 nor PS3 for me...
save oh T***ing s**** better get the over time in

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