A seriously distressing issue... wiiwote specific


WiiChat Member
Dec 2, 2007
Hi there, before you write this off as an annoying "I need help but I wont search for it.." type inquiry - just know I've been searching on this site and others for coming up on 2 hours.

My problem is simple - The LED lights on the bottom of my wii remote won't come on - no flashing, and thusly not a sync problem.

I've replaced the batteries, and tried using alternative brands, I've unplugged the system and waited for up to 30 minutes... I've even let the controller sit for an entire day without batteries in it.

I've never used rechargables, and I've never had the remote go flying through the air. I didn't thorw it, drop, or misuse it either.

What I can tell you is that it does work, intermitantly, with no real rhyme or reason.

NEarest I can tell, the "slapping" technique (preferred by nintendo themselves), helps slightly, but only for an hour at best.

Has anyone seen a repair guide, or some type of troubleshooting that involves taking your controller apart?

Does anyone have any help to offer other than "replace the batteries" and "Resync your controller"?

thanks alot, cause im going out of my mind trying to finish mario galaxys

with Love and regards,
Sacrifice a black rooster to Legba, then pour a 40 of malt liquor over the Wiimote, and leave a can of Skoal and a fried porkchop out back.

If that doesn't work, then your problem ISN'T a voodoo hex, and I can't help you.
I would give Nintendo a call and report your problem. They may have a solution or may even replace/repair it for you.

BTW TiwasTyrsfist....you made me giggle. :lol: