About to setup Wireless


Jan 28, 2007
Durham, NC
Wii Online Code
Hey everyone I'm about to go home to setup the Wireless Network in my house. Just wanted to thank everyone hwo answered all my questions regarding it and took the time to explain it to me in vivid details. Hopefully I'll get it up and running pretty soon and be able to get my Wii online by tonight. Wish me luck!
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SUCCESS! After a lot of stress and much work I got it to connect on its first try. I got my Wii online and I'm currently playing Contra 3 with my brothers. Pretty awesome game. I love Nintendo so much right now. The channels are AMAZING. Forecast is so cool...seeing the entire globe like that. I want to download the Opera Browser but my brothers are obsessed with the games so I have to wait for them to get their fix first. Soon I'll get the Everybody Votes Channel too. Can't wait. Thanks to everyone once again.

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